In the News: Cocoa Prices on the Rise
Have you heard the news? This is taken from CNBC, published March 26, 2024: "Consumers could start to see the effect of surging cocoa prices as the world faces the worst supply deficit in decades, with farmers in West Africa struggling against bad weather, disease and failing trees.Cocoa futures for May delivery surged to an all-time intraday high of $10,080 per metric ton Tuesday before ending the day down 0.3% to settle at
From Cacao Tree to Factory
How does chocolate get from the tree to the chocolate factory? Cacao trees usually get their start in a nursery bed where seeds from high yielding trees are planted in fiber baskets or plastic bags. The seedlings grow so fast that in a few months they are ready for transplanting. Cocoa beans are the product of the cacao tree. The cacao tree is strictly a tropical plant thriving only in hot, rainy
What Makes Chocolates & Flowers So Irresistible?
That's obvious, I hear you say. Chocolates: The taste. No further explanation necessary. But we'll offer it anyway. The velvety texture. The luxurious, silky feel of the flavor on your tongue. And there's a scientific reason too. Chocolate has an endorphin-releasing chemical. Endorphin is also called the "feel good" chemical or the "happy hormone." It's the same chemical that's released when doing exercise. Does that mean I can eat chocolate instead of exercising? Well, actually,
Can I Have More Ribbon For The Cat & Other Requests
As a shop that mainly does customized gift and chocolate arrangements, the products shown on our site are merely suggestions. If you want us to change/add/remove something, we're always happy to comply. Some past requests include: Can you put pareve chocolates instead of milchig? Sure Can you deliver between 5 and 7 pm? We can try The person I'm sending this gift to loves the hazlenut praline. Can you set up an
Four puzzling questions, one simple answer
I'd like to send fresh flowers for Shavuos, to show someone in Israel that I care. But where?And oh - on Shavuos we have a custom to eat dairy, so I'd like to send something dairy too. But how?I'd like to send it with a gift that lasts, something that won't be discarded right after Yom Tov. But what?I don't live in Israel, so I need a store in which